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Information routinely accessed under freedom of information requests

The AAT must publish information about documents to which the AAT routinely gives access in response to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, except in certain cases. This is a requirement under the Information Publication Scheme.

Currently, the AAT does not routinely give access to any kinds of information that must be published under this requirement.

Disclosure log

Disclosure Log logo

The AAT must also publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.

The information described in the disclosure log has been released by the AAT under the FOI Act and is available for public access. The disclosure log must be updated within 10 days of information being released under an FOI request.

A link is provided in the disclosure log if the information can be downloaded from this website or another website. Information that is not available on a website may be obtained by writing to the FOI Contact Officer or by sending an email to [email protected].

A charge may be imposed to reimburse the AAT for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. You will be notified if any charge is payable and you will be required to pay the charge before the information is provided.

Information attached to, or referred to, in the AAT's disclosure log will generally be removed after 24 months, unless the information has enduring public value.

AAT Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

This disclosure log contains details of information released under FOI requests that must be published under section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

The disclosure log must be updated within 10 workings days after information is released under an FOI request. Documents are available on request at [email protected].

FOI reference number Date of access FOI request Information published in the disclosure log Other information
2024/0189 10/09/2024

Emails in the electronic mailbox of the FOI decision maker in 2024/0168 related to that request and any consultation undertaken for that request.

Emails relating the processing of the FOI request (ref 2024/0168) and internal emails sourcing documents

Partial access provided

Document available on request at [email protected]



AAT Members that have requested the MRD Legal section to check a draft of any of their decisions between 1 January 2018 to 10 October 2022.

Document produced from data held by the Tribunal’s legal case management system.

Full access provided.

Document available on request at [email protected]
2024/0164 28/08/2024 FOI and Privacy training materials and templates
  1. FOI template letters
  2. Templates for requests made under section 362A of the Migration Act
  3. FOI training materials
  4. Privacy training materials
  5. Materials relating to training with regard to requests made under section 362A of the Migration Act

Full access provided to templates.

Partial access provided to training materials

Documents available on request at [email protected].
2024/0154 08/08/2024 Request for access to AAT’s Normal Administrative Practice policy (or policies) for the purposes of the Archive Act which have been in effect since 2019.
  1. Current NAP Policy Document.
  2. Superseded NAP Policy Document.

Full access provided to documents.

Documents available on request at [email protected].
2024/0144 08/08/2024 Documents relating to competency to give evidence, minors and vulnerable people before the Tribunal and joint hearings.
  1. Competency to give evidence
  2. Minors before the Tribunal
  3. Guidelines on Vulnerable Persons
  4. Combined review applications
  5. Joint hearings
  6. Combined review applications
  7. Combining review applications

Full access provided to documents 1, 2 and 3.

Partial access granted to documents 4 to 7.

Documents available on request at [email protected].
2024/0155 07/08/2024 Relationship between the Tribunal, Attorney-General’s Department and the Department of Home Affairs.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Tribunal and the Department of Home Affairs.

Partial access provided to the document

Document is available on request at [email protected].
2024/0137 1/08/2024 Documents  relating to the changes to the Migration Act upon the establishment of the Administrative Review Tribunal
  1. Summary of key features – ART legislation.
  2. Confidentiality under the ART Act table.
  3. High Level Change Summary – Practice and Procedures Transition Work stream.
  4. Transition Practice and Procedure Work Stream presentation.
  5. Message 21: Proposed Practice Directions from the President, dated 24 June 2024.

Full access provided to documents 1-3.

Partial access provided to documents 4-5

Document available on request at [email protected].
2024/0116 18/07/2024 Statistics on total number of cases decided, by Deputy President Peter Britten-Jones, that were appealed to the Federal Court, whether the appeals were successful or unsuccessful, and decisions remitted by the Federal Court reconsidered by Deputy President Peter Britten-Jones since his appointment until 3 June 2024 Statistics on total number of cases decided, by Deputy President Peter Britten-Jones, that were appealed to the Federal Court, whether the appeals were successful or unsuccessful since his appointment until 3 June 2024 

Full access provided to report with statistics on total number of cases decided, by Deputy President Peter Britten-Jones, that were appealed to the Federal Court, whether the appeals were successful or unsuccessful since his appointment until 3 June.

Refused access statistics on number of decisions remitted by the Federal Court reconsidered by Deputy President Peter Britten-Jones since his appointment until 3 June 2024

Document available on request at [email protected]
2024/0108 04/07/2024 Individual remittal and affirm rates for all AAT members in Victoria (current or former) in relation to applicants from Swat Valley, Pakistan seeking review of decisions to refuse to grant them a protection visa, since 1 January 2016 Individual remittal and affirm rates for Tribunal members in Victoria (both current and former) in relation to applicants from Pakistan seeking review of decisions to refuse to grant protection visa from 1 January 2016 to 31 May 2024.

Full access provided to document.

Document available on request at [email protected]
2024/0074 2/5/2024
  • Documents held by the AAT relevant to the wording "to the extent necessary” in Non-Disclosure Orders.
  • AAT Policy Documents held by the AAT relevant to the drafting of Non-Disclosure orders.
  • AAT Decisions relevant “to the extent necessary” in Non-Disclosure Orders, preferably in an identity breach case. 
  • Chapter 16 - Confidentiality, privacy and access to information in AAT cases.
  • Guideline on the Disclosure and Non-Disclosure of Personal Information in AAT Decisions.
  • Search results list for cases using the terms ‘non-disclosure order’ and ‘to the extent necessary’.
  • AAT Publication of Decisions Policy.
  • Handout - Chapter 31 – Restrictions on disclosing and publishing information.

Information published subject to section 11C(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Documents available by request at [email protected]

2024/0043 29/4/2024 A copy of the AAT training guidelines for Members and other staff on visa refusals’ under s36(1C) of the Migration Act, and the processing guidelines for Protection Visa matters within the AAT.
  1. Guide to Refugee Law – Chapter 7.
  2. National Registry Procedures – RPT Case Profile Glossary.
  3. National Registry Procedures – Prescribed Periods Parts 5 and 7 Table.
  4. National Registry Procedures – Jurisdiction.
  5. National Registry Procedures – Potential No Jurisdiction cases – DFQ17.
  6. National Registry Procedures – PARATA Guidelines.
  7. National Registry Procedures – SANDOR Guidelines.
  8. National Registry Procedures – Raising Applications.
  9. National Registry Procedures – Profiles and Priority.
  10. National Registry Procedures – Client Services procedure – MRD applications lodged through GOD online portal.
  11. Caseload Management and Allocations (CMAT) Protection Guides and Procedures: Trial PRO standard triage guide Pacific + Timor Leste 2-Oct-23.

Full access to 3 documents.

Partial access to 8 documents.

Refused access to 4 documents.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2024/0046 2/4/2024
  • What is a Fast-Track Hearing fact sheet;
  • What happens at a hearing fact sheet; and
  • Any policy updates or replacement policies since 2016.

Full access provided.

Documents available on the AAT website or by request at

[email protected]

2024/0006 25/3/2024
  • All accessibility and strategic plans relating to participants located in regional, rural, remote and very remote Australia; 
  • Statistical and demographic data from 2013 to current relating to SSCSD participants located in regional, rural, remote, and very remote Australia, including, but not limited to postcode, indigenous status, gender, age, matter type, and hearing type (in-person vs remote); 
  • All guidelines and procedure manuals for receiving an application in the SSCSD; 
  • All guidelines and procedure manuals for the conduct of hearings in the SSCSD; 
  • All guidelines and procedure manuals relating to Vulnerable Persons applicable to the SSCSD; 
  • All guidelines and procedure manuals relating to remote hearings (including telephone, video and Microsoft Teams) in the SSCSD; and 
  • All pre-hearing checklists for contact with unrepresented and/or remote parties applicable to the SSCSD.

Guidelines and Procedure manuals and plans relating to accessibility, welfare checks, conduct of reviews including hearings, witnesses, adjournment, submissions. 

List of postcodes, jurisdiction and payment types from 2019 onwards for SSCSD participants.

Full access provided to 21 documents.

Partial access provided to 20 documents

Refused access to: Statistical and demographic data from 2013 to current relating to SSCSD participants located in regional, rural, remote, and very remote Australia, including, but not limited to postcode, indigenous status, gender, age, matter type, and hearing type (in-person vs remote).

Access provided to list of postcodes, jurisdiction and payment types from 2019 onwards for SSCSD participants. 

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2024/0019 16/2/2024

‘…between 01/01/2019 and 31/12/2023 those documents setting out the arrangements made for --

  1. payments by way of daily rates as wages or salary or entitlements to be made to Senior Members and Members in each of the Divisions of the Tribunal in respect of each sitting day;
  2. determining how the amount to be paid as wages or salary or entitlements to Senior Members and Members was made in each of the Divisions of the Tribunal in respect of each sitting day;
  3. aggregating the sum or sums paid or to be paid as wages or salary or entitlements to Senior Members and Members in each of the Divisions of the Tribunal in respect of each sitting day in the event that the Senior Member or Member sat for less than 7 hours of the day;
  4. Senior Members and Members in the Social Security and Child Support Division to be paid for sitting times on a sitting day.’
  • Guidelines on Members' Terms and Conditions - 2016_Redacted
  • Part Time Member Payment Guidelines General and Other Divisions
  • Remuneration Tribunal (Judicial and Related Offices Remuneration and Allowances) Determination (No. 2) 2023
  • SSCSD Member Handbook 25 January 2024 V4
  • User-guide: part-time member pay system.

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2024/0012 14/02/2024 Any written policies, procedures or guidelines concerning disclosure and management of potential conflicts of interest by senior members of the AAT around February 2012. Extract of Members’ Handbook 2010 version that is relevant to the request.

Full access provided.

Documents available on request at: [email protected]

2023/0278 17/1/2024 A request for the number of applicants legally represented or represented by a registered migration agent for cases decided in the MRD and the IAA from 2021 – 2023.
  • Representation of parties in applications finalised in the MRD from 2021-2023, by Registered Migration Agent and Legal Representative;
  • Representation of parties in applications finalised in the IAA from 2021-2023.
Full access provided
2023/0220 7/12/2023 Documents held by the AAT relating to the development, drafting, purpose, inclusion, and any consultation in relation to clause 2.5.4 of Remuneration Tribunal Determination 2005/11 Judicial and Related Offices – Remuneration and Allowances
  1. Document set one: Email correspondence and other documents obtained from the Chief Legal Officer
  2. Document set two: Email correspondence and other documents obtained from the Strategic Adviser to the Chief Operating Officer
  3. Document set three: Email correspondence and other documents obtained from the Tribunal’s Human Resources team.

Partial access provided.

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2023/0240 21/11/2023 Internal procedures and guidance materials that relate to applications lodged ‘out of time’ in the Migration and Refugee Division. 
  • No Jurisdiction Resource Guide
  • MRD eligibility calculator (screenshot)
  • National Registry Procedures – Raising Applications
  • National Registry Procedures – Jurisdiction
  • Documents publicly available, including MRD Procedural Law Guide chapters (available under FOI ref: 2022/0254), various Fact Sheets and Practice Directions (available at

Full access to 3 documents.

Partial access to 1 document.

Documents available on request at:

[email protected]

2023/0038 14/11/2023

1. Resignation letters received from the members of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) who resigned on 8 May 2022;

3.Appointment letters received from the members of the Tribunal who were appointed on 9 May 2022;

  • Resignation letters of 19 members who resigned from their roles effective 8 May 2022 for the purposes of reappointment. 
  • The instrument of appointments signed by the Governor-General dated 17 March 2022 and 31 March 2022 showing members whose appointment commenced on 9 May 2022

Partial access provided.

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2023/0173 10/11/2023 Statistics relating to outcome for review of decisions under Part 5 of the Migration Act 1958 dealt with in MRD – By members - For applications finalised from 1 January 2018 to 18 August 2023 Statistics relating to outcome for review of decisions under Part 5 of the Migration Act 1958 dealt with in MRD – By members - For applications finalised from 1 January 2018 to 18 August 2023

Full access provided.

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2022/0230 8/11/2023 AAT estimates briefing pack for the October 2022 and November 2022 Budget Estimates

61 documents released in full.

8 documents released in part.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2023/0227 30/10/2023 Annexure C of the Other Party's Further Updated Statement of Facts, Issues and Contentions (OPSFIC ) in the matter of HYYL and Privacy Commissioner [2023] AATA 2961 Annexure C of the Other Party's Further Updated Statement of Facts, Issues and Contentions (OPSFIC ) in the matter of HYYL and Privacy Commissioner [2023] AATA 2961

Full access provided.

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2023/0167 21/9/2023

Pay slips of specified member

Documents showing all expenses paid to former DP Forgie

Emails relating to member pay claims

Documents relating to the drafting of the AAT Guidelines on pay for part time members

Budget allocated to part time AAT members

For 2017; 2018; 2019;2020;and 2021

Documents showing expenses paid to former DP Forgie except personal information

Documents relating to the drafting of the AAT Guidelines on pay for part time members

Budget allocated to part time AAT members

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0172 11/9/2023

At what point in time (day/month/year) did the email address [email protected] become inactive?

At what point in time (day/month/year) did it cease to be possible to lodge review applications through Tribunal Online (TRON)?

What was/were the Tribunal’s complete physical address/es in the Norfolk Island from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021?

What was/were the Tribunal’s complete physical address/es in the Northern Territory from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021?

Date when the email address  [email protected] became inactive

Date when applications could no longer be lodged via Tribunal Online

Address of Norfolk Island Registry

Information relating to the AAT’s address in Northern Territory

Full release

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0177 24/8/2023

Internal documents, instructions or guides that refer to SME / ARO in the Social Security and Child Support Division (SSCSD)

“Legal notes” issued to Members or staff referencing “refusal” grounds for hearing requests in the SSCSD

Internal procedure documents showing who completes the "review of officer of agency" field and "agency decision date” field in the SSCSD case management system

  1. Case Management Guide: Dismissal – Centrelink
  2. Case Management Guide: Dismissal of matters prior to hearing – Centrelink
  3. Case Management Guide: Task card – Recording Centrelink’s Initial Response to AAT Statement Request

Full release of documents 1 and 2

Partial release of document 3

[email protected]
2023/0156 9/8/2023
  1. The AAT's Fraud Prevention and Control Plan (in particular as it relates to Child Support Fraud)
  2. Criteria used for determining when to make an investigation and pursue prosecution or sanction against a parent that makes false and misleading statements in Child Support cases
  3. Criteria used for determining when to ignore or cover-up false or misleading statements made in Child Support cases
  4. Criteria used for determining whether false or misleading statements are 'significant', 'serious', 'material', 'minor', 'immaterial' or a matter of conjecture or 'misunderstanding'
  5. Statistics relating to numbers of cases where false or misleading claims were made, whether the AAT investigated, prosecuted or issued cautions

Fraud Control Plan 2022

Recognising and Reporting Fraud

Item 1: Partial access provided

Items 2-5: Access refused

[email protected]
2023/0142 1/8/2023

Number of matters before the AAT in which Screen Australia is a Respondent:

  1. historically since 2008
  2. since January 2020 to date
  3. currently

Number of matters before the AAT in which Screen Australia is a Respondent:

  1. historically since 2008
  2. since January 2020 to date
  3. currently

Full access provided 

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0138 31/7/2023

Data relating to the cases finalised by Senior Member Raif and total members

Data relating to the cases finalised by Senior Member Raif and total members

Full access provided 

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0146 21/7/2023

MRD Guidelines on Vulnerable Persons in force at 29 June 2016; and 10 January 2018.

MRD Guidelines on Vulnerable Persons dated July 2015.

MRD Guidelines on Vulnerable Persons dated July 2017.

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0116 16/6/2023

Number of migration matters decided on the papers remitted to the Department of Home Affairs since 2014.

The visa subclasses represented for each year.

The percentage of total decisions made by the MRD that were remitted on the papers and how many applicants had legal representation. 

Data relating to MRD cases remitted without a hearing by financial year, including as a percentage of all MRD decisions.

Data relating to decisions remitted on the papers categorised by visa subclass.

Partial access provided 

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0104 19/6/2023 Data relating to the cases finalised by Senior Member Raif and total members

Data relating to the cases finalised by Senior Member Raif and total members

Full access provided 

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0091 22/05/2023

Documents relating to using the word “reviewed” on the AAT FOI Disclosure Log in FOI request 2022/0264

All versions of Chapter 2 of the MRD Legal Services Manual

Correspondence from the President or Division Head to MRD members about how they should use MRD Legal Services

Legal advice received by the AAT

Disclosure Log memos relating to FOI request 2022/0264

One email from Director of MRD Legal Services about the draft decision review service

Four archived versions of the MRD Legal Services manual

Two emails from the Division Head of the MRD to Members relating to the draft decision review service provided by MRD Legal Services

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0030 20/02/2023

Documents regarding appointment and Oath of Office taken by a Senior Member

Oath of Office taken by a Senior Member

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2023/0024 20/02/2023

AAT User Feedback Survey reports for 2016-2022

MRD User Feedback Survey reports for 2016-2022

AAT User Feedback Survey reports for:

  • 2016
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022

MRD User Feedback Survey reports for:

  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022

Full access provided 

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0254 17/02/2023

All chapters of the MRD Procedural Law Guide (most recent edition).

All other Legal Commentary addressing substantive migration law issues (other than the Refugee Law guide) (most recent edition).

MRD Procedural Law Guide:

Legal Commentary:

Partial access provided
2022/0264 30/01/2023

Consultation documents undertaken in FOI request reference 2022/0206

Number of draft decisions reviewed by MRD Legal Services in the years 2018-2022 and how many of these were found to be favourable to applicants

Outgoing emails (2) relating to consultation undertaken for FOI request 2022/0206, subject to redaction of last names of two officers.

Tabled information containing information relating to draft decisions reviewed by MRD Legal Services 

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0258 16/01//2023

AAT Complaint Handling Guidelines

Number of cases in the FOI division finalised by Member Anna Burke

Case notes of AAT cases

AAT Complaint Handling Guideline 

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0240 12/12//2022

Policy, operational guidelines and other material directing and guiding the Tribunal’s General Division’s conducting of hearings and COVID-19

Registry Procedures Manual (RPM) - Chapters 1A & 8

G&OD Video hearings and ADR events using Microsoft Teams

In-person hearings with remote participants

Digital Member's File Application

Public access to hearings by phone or video.

General Division Character Practice Area Procedures

File referral form - GD character and related visa decisions

G&OD Virtual hearings using MS Teams

Fact Sheet - Expedited Review of Decisions under Section 501 or 501CA

Migration Act VISAEX Application - Indicative Timeline

Technology Checklist

COVID-19 Special Measures Practice Directions – FOI, General and Veterans Appeals Divisions

GD character and related visa decisions

User guide to video hearings using Microsoft Teams

Visa cancellation and refusal on character grounds

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0201 2/12/2022

Guidelines relating to MRD member hearing scheduling and decision making

Data relating to outcomes of judicial review in the MRD and GD and reasons for remittal

MRD Caseload Guidance for Members

Tables of information relating to remittals to the MRD and GD by consent and judgement

Full access provided

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0228 22/11/2022

Registry Procedures Manual

Chapter 1: General administration

Chapter 1A: Administrative Procedures for Associates

Chapter 1B: Fees

Chapter 2: Receiving, Registering and Checking an Application

Chapter 2A: Decision types and subtypes

Chapter 3: Acknowledging receipt, Listing T documents and Outreach

Chapter 4: Interlocutory Applications

Chapter 5: conferencing Directions and Non-compliance

Chapter 6: Other ADR processes

Chapter 7: Summons

Chapter 8: Hearing Related Procedures

Chapter 9: Finalising Applications and Issuing Decisions

Chapter 10: Other AAT Applications

Chapter 11: Managing Applications in the NDIS Division

Chapter 12: Security Managing Applications in the Security Division

Chapter 14: Federal Court Appeals

Chapter 15: Records and Information Management Procedure

Chapter 16: Confidentiality and privacy and access to information in AAT cases

Chapter 17: Warrants

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0221 18/11/2022

Data relating to withdrawals, hearing events and representation types of applicants in the NDIS

Tables of information relating to number of cases with each representative type, numbers of withdrawn applications and hearing events for the period of 2018/19

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2022/0195 31/10/2022

Feedback and comments provided by AAT personnel in relation to statutory review of the AAT

Feedback: Report on the Statutory Review of the Tribunals Amalgamation Act 2015

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2022/0203 28/10/2022

List of all AAT members in their roles on 21 May 2022 including the divisions appointed to, names, their tenure and whether they were part time or full time

AAT table of statutory appointments (as as 21 May 2022)

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0070 24/10/2022

Access to statistics and data on the decision-making patterns of individual decision makers from the AAT's Refugee Division from 17 May 2020 until 17 May 2022

Statistics relating to applications for review of decisions about protection visas under Part 7 of the Migration Act 1958 dealt with in the Migration and Refugee Division - By members - For applications finalised from 17 May 2020 until 17 May 2022

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0160 10/10/2022

Any document/s by which legal officers in the MRD section of the Tribunal have been conferred by the President with the function or power of providing legal advice to Members of the Tribunal about draft decision records in relation to Migration reviews

A full copy of the current Migration and Refugee Division Legal Services Section Manual

Chapters 1-14 of Legal Services Manual

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0159 19/09/2022

Breakdown of specified representation types for applicants in NDIS cases for the 2021-2022 reporting period

Tabled information relating to number of cases with each representative type

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0166 05/09/2022 Authorisation of AAT staff to make decisions in relation to FOI requests Authorisation made by AAT Registrar on 1 July 2015 pursuant to paragraph 10A(1)(b), subsection 23(1) and paragraph 54B(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2022/0069 30/08/2022

All documents relating to any directives, policies, guidelines, training material or communications provided by the AAT to Members regarding protection visa review

Documents relating to any key performance indicators that the AAT has set for members conducting protection visa reviews

Practice Directions and President’s Directions:

  • COVID-19 Special Measures Practice Direction
  • Practice Direction Migration and Refugee Matters
  • Presidents Direction Conducting Migration and Refugee Reviews


  • Guidelines on Assessment of Credibility
  • Guidelines on Gender and Guidelines on Vulnerable persons

Training material:

  • All areas and relocation notes – August 2021
  • BM Scenarios (relating to modification of behaviour)
  • CP Revision Slides (relating to complementary protection training)
  • DFV & Complementary protection (relating to domestic and family violence)
  • Extract from Migration Act
  • For reasons of 2 – FINAL (relating to domestic and family violence cases)
  • Litigation and Ashmore slides – handout (relating to overview of judicial review and Ashmore Reef cases)
  • LOGA (Law of General Application) scenarios
  • Member Induction – Introduction to Protection – August 2021 – Day 1 and 2
  • Member Introductory Remarks at Hearings
  • Member protection and induction training – July 2021 – handout
  • Member protection and induction training – May 2022 part 1 4
  • Member protection and induction training – May 2022 part 2
  • Member protection training – LOGA & BM
  • Member protection training – Relocations & Third Country
  • Member PV training – August 2021 – Program
  • Member PV training – May 2022 – Program final
  • MRD legal framework handout
  • Overview Final (relating to domestic and family violence training)
  • Procedural final (relating to domestic and family violence)
  • Protection visa legislation as at 16 December 2014
  • Protection final (relating to domestic and family violence)
  • PV training module scenarios
  • PV Common Remittal Reasons January 2021-January 2022 and January-October 2021
  • Resource List handout
  • Suggested structural format for PV decisions and hearings

National Protection Quarterly Meeting handouts:

  • 11/11/21
  • 19/5/22
  • 19/8/21
  • 20/5/21
  • 24/2/22

MRD Caseload Guidance for Members

MRD case weighting model table

MRD caseload complexity by case category table

MRD caseload complexity by country spreadsheet

Letter to the former Attorney-General from the former President in response to a request for member performance data from the former Minister for Immigration

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0116 26/07/2022
  • documents that outline the Tribunal’s policy and / or procedures concerning defective administration by Tribunal employees.
  • documents that outline the Tribunal’s policy and / or procedures concerning the Tribunal relisting matters due to error.
  • documents that outline the Tribunal’s policy and / or procedures concerning the Tribunal’s internal review process.
  • HR Policy – Managing Underperformance
  • PD014 - Managing Misconduct
  • HR Policy Summary – Managing Underperformance

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0092 22/07/2022

Any correspondence sent by the President (or any other senior figure in the AAT) to serving Tribunal members in relation to the implementation of the recommendations of the Callinan Report

Any correspondence sent by serving Tribunal members to the President (or any other senior figure in the AAT) in relation to the implementation of the recommendations of the Callinan Report.

Any meeting minutes of senior Tribunal figures in relation to the implementation of the Callinan Report.

The practicing certificate and position description of a specific Senior Legal Officer

Any document governing the nature of the relationship between Member and the Senior Legal Officer

Any document which reveals whether the “memorandum of legal advice” is saved on any AAT document management system

Any document tending to show which staff members of the AAT have access to that document

Document showing what consideration was given to the waiver of privilege for a previous FOI request

Emails relating to the implementation of the Callinan recommendations

Minutes of the Senior Member Meeting held on 3 September 2019

Chapter 3 of the Legal Services Manual

Screenshot of staff who have access to the Legal Management System (names redacted)

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2022/0056 14/06/2022

A member’s court remittal statistics (including specifically apprehended bias as the reason) from 2007

Table of requested information in addition to decisions made and decisions appealed for each financial year since 2007. 

Full access provided

Documents available on request at
[email protected]

2022/0059 7/06/2022

Induction documents relating to the engagement of a Senior Member 

  1. Assignment of non-presidential members
  2. Remuneration Tribunal determination
  3. Remuneration schedule
  4. Conduct Guide for AAT members
  5. Member Induction Program (day 1 and day 2)
  6. Instrument of Appointment
  7. Letter of Appointment  

Full access provided to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Partial access granted to 6 and 7

Documents available on request at
[email protected]

2022/0065 3/06/2022

The number of withdrawal outcomes for MRD cases for the last two years   

Table of the number of withdrawal outcomes for MRD cases between 1 May 2020 – 1 May 2022

Full access provided

Documents available on request at
[email protected]

2022/0075 30/05/2022

Set of guidelines or rules relating to the use of social media for AAT members

  1. Protocol relating to participation in public activities
  2. Conduct Guide for AAT Members

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2022/0054 and 2022/0068 05/05/2022 and 23/05/2022

ADR guidelines for Members and Conference Registrars 

  • Guidelines for Members and Conference Registrars of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal under the NMAS February 2016
  • AAT CRs Professional Development Handbook September 2011
  • ADR Guidelines June 2006

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2022/0053 20/05/2022

Tribunal’s policy on the charter of human rights for a disability 

  1. Strategic Statement on Accessibility
  2. Accessibility plan: Users with disability
  3. Accessibility plan: Remote and less mobile users
  4. Accessibility Review

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2022/0029 13/05/2022

The number of each member's load of cases completed every year for Migration and refugee cases.
The number of each member's cases appealed to FC C , FC A, or High Court for Migration and refugee cases.
The number and ratio of each member's case that has been set aside by FC C , FC A or High Court for Migration and refugee cases.

Member case number information and finalisations completed for Migration and refugee cases.

Partial access granted

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2022/0040 26/04/2022 Persons Giving Expert and Opinion Evidence guide and any material behind the creation of this guide including how the need arose for this guide
  1. Guidelines on expert evidence – paper – 22 May 07
  2. Guidelines on Expert Evidence
  3. Guidelines relating to expert evidence – Paper – 20 June 08
  4. Opinion Evidence and Concurrent Evidence Guidelines – 5 Dec 08 – Attachments
  5. Opinion Evidence and Concurrent Evidence Guidelines – 5 Dec 08

Partial access granted

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2021/0179 28/02/2022 Recent (2021version) of all legal commentary produced by the Migration and Refugee Division’s Legal Services team including: all chapters of the MRD Procedural Law Guide, all chapters of the IAA Procedural Law Guide; and all other Legal Commentary addressing substantive migration law issues (other than the Guide to Refugee Law)
  1. All chapters of the Immigration Assessment Authority Procedural Law Guide.
    IAA Procedural Law Guide
  2. All chapters of the MRD Procedural Law Guide.
    Part 1 - Chapters 1-6
    Part 2 - Chapters 7-11
    Part 3 - Chapters 12-22
    Part 4 - Chapgers 23-29
    Part 5 - Chapgers 30-32-34-36
  3. All other Legal Commentary addressing substantive migration law issues
    Bridging visas
    Business visas
    family visas
    Other (MRD)
    Partner visas
    Protection visas
    Skilled visas
    Student visas
    Visitor visas
  1. Full access provided
  2. Full access provided
  3. Partial access granted

Documents available on request at

[email protected]

2021/0188 18/02/2022
  1. The names of Members referred to in the applicant’s earlier request; whether they are full-time or part-time and, if part-time, what ratio of hours they are engaged.
  2. The number of applications before the AAT from 1st January 2020 to 31 March 2021 that were finalised and the number finalised "on the papers" per member.
  1. Names of Members and whether full or part time appointments.
  2. Number of applications finalized during period and number finalised without issuing a hearing invitation.
  1. Access granted in part.
  2. Access granted in part.

Document available on request at:

[email protected]

2022/0007 18/02/2022
  1. Total number of on-hand cases in the AAT Adelaide Registry
  2. Total number of on-hand cases in the AAT Adelaide Registry for the visa refusal of subclass 485
  3. Total number of on-hand cases in the AAT for the visa refusal of subclass 485
  1. Total number of Migration and Refugee Division on-hand cases in the Adelaide Registry on 14 January 2022: 2,212;
  2. Total number of Migration and Refugee Division on-hand cases in the AAT Adelaide Registry for the visa refusal of subclass 485 on 14 January 2022: 59;
  3. Total number of on-hand cases in all registries of the AAT for the visa refusal of subclass 485 on 14 January 2022: 804.
Full access provided
2021/0216 18/02/2022 The monthly number of protection visa reviews lodged, reviewed and finalised at the Perth centre for the period 01/02/2020 to15/12/2021. Total number of protection visa applications on hand at the Perth centre for the period 01/02/2020 to 15/12/2021. 
  1. Table of monthly number of protection visa reviews lodged and finalised from 01/02/2020 to 15/12/2021 .
  2. Static on hand protection visa case numbers for the Perth Registry on 01/02/2020: 2218 and on 15/12/2021: 2386

Full access provided

Document available on request at

[email protected]
2021/0203 11/02/2022 The number of represented/unrepresented applicants, across all divisions (as provided in the FY 2019-20 Annual Report) for the period FY 2015-16 to FY 2018-19, inclusive. 4 tables of representative information 

Full access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2021/0193 7/1/2022

Salary and allowance details for Deputy President John Pascoe and Deputy President Brian Rayment.

Various requests for caseload data relating to DP Pascoe and DP Rayment.

The average number of cases finalised by all non-judicial, full time Deputy Presidents (excluding Pascoe and Rayment) for the year ending 30 June 2021, including the Divisions those matters belonged. 
  • Table: Deputy President John Pascoe
  • Table: Deputy President Brian Rayment
  • Question and Answer LCC-BE21-153

Partial access provided

Document available on request at 

[email protected]

2021/0202 21/12/2021 Report of the Review of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal  29 November 1991 Report of the Review of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal 29 November 1991 

Full access provided 

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2021/0172 09/12/2021

Referring to a memo dated 16 September 2013 from the AAT President to Members and Registrars:

  1. Please provide copies of all submissions of the views from all of the members and key stakeholders that the President has referred to in this Memo.
  2. Please provide a document which contains, outlines, lists or describes the 'developments since the first edition', which the President has referred to on page 3 of the Memo and were taken into consideration when updating sections of the Guide to Workers' Compensation Jurisdiction as referred to in this part of the Memo.
  1. Submissions from Australian Government Solicitor
  2. Submissions from Clarke Legal regarding implied undertaking
  3. Submissions from Clarke Legal
  4. Submissions from Law Council of Australia dated 27 February 2013
  5. Submissions from Law Council of Australia dated 29 April 2013
  6. Submissions from Senior Member of the AAT
  7. Submissions from Comcare
  8. Submissions from Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  9. Submissions from Telstra
  10. Update on Proposed Changes to Case Management in the Workers’ Compensation Jurisdiction dated 28 August 2013
  11. Memo to staff – Changes to practice and procedure in the workers’ compensation jurisdiction dated 16 September 2013 
  12. Memo to members, Conference Registrars and District Registrars – Changes to practice and procedure in the workers’ compensation jurisdiction and new practice directions
  13. Memo to President – Submissions in response to consultation regarding proposed changes in the workers’ compensation jurisdiction dated June 2013

Partial access provided.

Documents available on request at: 

[email protected]

2021/0164 03/12/2021

MRD case finalisation statistics for each financial year since 2016 split by representation status.

The number of MRD cases on hand for the same period, split by representation status.

The number of MRD cases finalised (divided by finalised categories) for the 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years, split by represented and non-represented.

The number of MRD cases on hand at the end of the 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years, split by represented and non-represented

Released in full

Documents available on request at: 

[email protected]

2021/0176 26/11/2021

A request for access to: “…all documents containing correspondence sent or received by the Registrar of the Tribunal that relate to the Tribunal's handling of Freedom of Information Request No.2021/0062, excluding:

  • any documents that the Tribunal provided to me on 31 August 2021;
  • duplicate documents; and
  • any documents that are already publicly available (e.g. questions on notice or answers to questions on notice)."
21 folios of correspondence relating to the Tribunal’s handling of FOI request 2021/0062.

Partial access

Documents available on request at:

[email protected]



  1. Various AAT instructions, directions, suggestions, guidance, advice, templates, or policies relating to the AAT’s application of section 47C of the FOI Act.
  2. The number of times a particular FOI Officer has refused or partially refused a request under s 47C
  3. The number of times that same FOI Officer has had a decision to refuse access under s 47C changed, overturned, or not followed as a result of an application for internal review.
  4. Documents which explain or elaborate upon what a particular FOI Officer, or any other Tribunal staff member, mean by the expressions “the finality of decision making” and “the public interest in the finality of decision making”

Four guidance documents relating to part one.

Two tables produced under s 17 of the FOI Act for parts 2 & 3.

Part one – documents released in full with irrelevant material removed under s 22 of the FOI Act.

Parts 2 & 3 – released in full.

Part 4 – refused – documents do not exist (s 24A of the FOI Act).

Documents available on request at [email protected]


All documents relating to Questions on Notice LCC-BE20-126 and LCC-BE20-127 that were created by, or sent to, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal from 15 December 2020 to 27 May 2021, inclusive except documents from a specified administrative officer. 236 folios of correspondence relating to Question on Notice LCC-BE20-126 and LCC-BE20-127

Partial access

Documents available on request at [email protected]


Various statistics relating to non-compliance in the NDIS division.

Total number of non-compliance events listed for all cases (finalised and active cases) - National Disability Insurance Scheme - 2020-21.

Released in full

Document available on request at [email protected]



Access to all documents relating to Question on Notice No. 4000 and Question on Notice No. 4001, both of which were placed on the Senate Notice Paper by Senator Kim Carr on 13 August 2021.

176 folios of correspondence relating to Question on Notice no. 4000 and Question on Notice no. 4001 asked by Senator Kim Carr.

Partial access

2021/0063 28/09/2021

Various statistics relating to the MRD, G&OD and the IAA

  • Statistics on member  appointments under s.7(2)(a), (b) or (c) of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975
  • Number of cases constituted/allocated in the MRD and G&OD
  • Number of cases finalised in the MRD and G&OD
  • Publication statistics
  • Statistics relating to employment in the IAA

Released in Full

2021/0139 15/09/2021

Documents relating to the development of section 6.5 of the Guide to Workers’ Compensation Jurisdiction

Documents relating to the development of section 6.5 of the Guide to Workers’ Compensation Jurisdiction

Partial access

2021/0124 13/09/2021 Various statistics on NDIS cases before the Tribunal and operational information relating to the NDIS

Various statistics on NDIS cases before the Tribunal

Statistics released in full.

Operational information refused under s 24A

2021/0062 31/08/2021

Access to all documents containing correspondence or communications – or containing a record of correspondence or communications – between the Tribunal and the Attorney-General, the Attorney-General’s office or the Attorney-General’s Department in relation to questions asked by Senator Kim Carr and taken on notice by the Tribunal following Budget Estimates 2020-21.

1036 folios of correspondence relating to questions asked by Senator Kim Carr and taken on notice by the AAT following Budget Estimates 2020-21.

Partial access

Document available on request at [email protected]

2021/0130 24/08/2021
  1. Total number of cases before the NDIS Division between 1 July 2021 to 31 June 2021
  2. The total number of active NDIA cases before the AAT where at least one case conference occurred between 01 July 2020 - 31 June 2021

Total number of cases before the NDIS Division between 1 July 2021 to 31 June 2021.

Part 1 released in full

Part 2 refused under s 24A

2021/0127 23/08/2021

Statistics on the number of decisions made by a former Tribunal Member

  • Report of all decisions made by a former Tribunal Member, sourced from our current case management system
  • Report of protection visa decisions made by a former Tribunal Member, sourced from our current case management system for the period from 1 April 2006 to 30 June 2017

Released in full

Document available on request at [email protected]

2021/0101 06/07/2021

Request for the Immigration Assessment Authority (IAA) expenditure by line item for the last five years. 

Immigration Assessment Authority’s expenditure by line item for the financial years 1 July 2016 until 31 May 2021.

Full access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2021/0061 02/06/2021

Access to all documents containing correspondence or communications – or containing a record of correspondence or communications – between the Tribunal and the Attorney-General, the Attorney-General’s office or the Attorney-General’s Department in relation to questions asked by Senator Kim Carr and taken on notice by the Tribunal following Additional Estimates 2019-20.

261 folios of correspondence relating to questions asked by Senator Kim Carr and taken on notice by the AAT following Additional Estimates 2019-20.

Partial access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2021/0046 02/06/2021

Access to various statistics relating to applications for review of Comcare decisions and documents relating to the production of the AAT Guide Workers’ Compensation Jurisdiction.

  • For the period 1 July 2015 until 31 March 2021, the number of times the AAT dismissed an application under section 42A(5) of the AAT Act where the Respondent is Comcare; and
  • A list of these cases where information is publicly available on Austlii (with the Austlii citation).
  • Guide to the Workers’ Compensation Jurisdiction – 1st Edition (March 2007)
  • Guide to the Workers’ Compensation Jurisdiction – 2nd Edition (September 2013)

Partial access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2021/0036 29/03/2021

For each calendar year from 2016 to 2019 inclusively, the completion date of the first finalised:
a) fraud-risk assessment for purposes of s10(a) of the Rule, and
b) fraud/compliance audit implemented for purposes of s10(b/d) of the Rule.

Record of completion dates for finalised reports complying with the PGPA Rule 2014, for the years 2016 to 2019 inclusively.

Full access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2021/0026 17/03/2021

“Access to all documents released to FOI applicants since 20/9/2019,  I limit the scope to documents the release of which should have been subject to an entry in the Disclosure Log.”

All documents that were subject to publication on the disclosure log from 20 September 2019, up to the date of the FOI request. 

Full access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2020/0088 28/08/2020

Any guidance materials used by Registry Staff in the Migration and Refugee Division (MRD) to determine whether or not late applications are valid.

Various MRD guidance materials regarding the validity of applications.

Partial access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2020/0085 28/08/2020

A document that contains a list of all the position/job titles of every non-APS contractor working within your department.

List of contractors working at the AAT as at 17 August 2020.

Partial access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2020/0082 21/08/2020

“I seek a copy of the AAT's policy & procedures regarding the use of labour hire firms.

Please narrow this request to only include documents that meet this description that are, or have been available on the AAT's intranet, for use by the AAT's managerial staff when procuring labour hire services.”

  1. Labour Hire and Procurement Rules 
  2. Engaging and managing non-APS employees guide dated March 2020 (5 pages total)
  3. Process – Engaging non-APS employees (flow chart)
  4. Labour hire procedural guide – AAT 

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2020/0068 17/08/2020 Contracts between the AAT and Launch Recruitment Pty Ltd

Launch Recruitment Pty Ltd – Terms of Agreement (redacted)

Labour hire Purchase Orders  (redacted)

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2020/0083 28/07/2020

Statistics relating to applications for review of decisions by the Department of Home Affairs to refuse an application for a Protection visa made by citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Statistics relating to applications for review of decisions by the Department of Home Affairs to refuse an application for a protection visa made by citizens of Saudi Arabia (as at 3 August 2020).

Partial access

Certain information redacted pursuant to sections 37 and 47F of the FOI Act.

>Documents available on request at [email protected]

2020/0071 28/07/2020

Data concerning the number of applicants who had legal representation in the NDIS division for the period 1 January 2019 to 31 January 2020.

Statistics relating to applications for review of decisions under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 that were finalised from 1 January 2019 to 31 January 2020.

Partial access

Parts A & B released in full.
Parts C & D refused under s 24A of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2020/0070 28/07/2020

The number of applications lodged in the Veterans’ Appeals Division for the following periods: 

  • 1 July 2018 to 31 December 2018,
  • 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019,
  • 1 July 2019 to 31 December 2019, and 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020.

Applications lodged to the Veterans’ Appeals Division of the AAT for specified periods, as at 23 July 2020.

Full access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2020/0046 17/07/2020 Access to statistics and data on the decision-making patterns of individual decision makers from the AAT's Refugee Division from 1 January 2015 to 18 May 2020.

Statistics relating to applications for review of decisions about protection visas under Part 7 of the Migration Act 1958 dealt with in the Migration and Refugee Division - By members - For applications finalised from 1 January 2015 to 18 May 2020.

Reports on the date each decision maker was appointed between 1 July 2015 to 18 May 2020.

Partial access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2020/0040 10/07/2020 The total number of Ministerial Intervention referrals per financial year under s 351 and s 417 of the Migration Act 1958 made by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Number of referrals made by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for consideration to be given to Ministerial intervention under section 351 or 417 of the Migration Act 1958

Full access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2020/0038 03/06/2020 FOI Handbook FOI Handbook – updated 8 January 2020 (redacted)

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2019/0125 07/02/2020 Access to statistics and data on the decision-making patterns of individual decision makers from the AAT's Refugee Division from 1 January 2015 to 5 December 2019. >Statistics relating to applications for review of decisions about protection visas under Part 7 of the Migration Act 1958 dealt with in the Migration and Refugee Division - By members - For applications finalised from 1 January 2015 to 5 December 2019

Full access

Documents available on request at [email protected]

2019/55 19/09/2019 All legal commentary produced by the Migration and Refugee Division's Legal Services team including: - all chapters of the MRD Procedural Law Guide - all chapters of the IAA Procedural Law Guide; and - all other Legal Commentary addressing substantive migration law issues (other than the Guide to Refugee Law). MRD Procedural Law Guide MRD Commentary IAA Prodecural Law Guide
IAA Procedural Law Guide
Full access
2019/0036 31/05/2019

A copy of the following:

  • Country Report: PAK34771
  • Country Report CX157167: Pakistan; Punishment/Consequences for Deserting the Pakistan Army, 11 July, 2006
  • Country Report: PAK34771
  • Country Report CX157167: Pakistan; Punishment/Consequences for Deserting the Pakistan Army, 11 July, 2006
Documents available on request at [email protected]
2019/0029 07/05/2019 A request for access to a copy of the guidelines on vulnerable persons issued by the Migration and Refugee Division as in force in April 2017 Migration and Refugee Division - Guidelines on Vulnerable Persons – July 2017. Documents available on request at [email protected]
2019/0017 29/04/2019
  • A copy of statistics in relation to how many decisions under the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 have been made by the AAT since 1 July 2011.
  • Statistics relating to the outcomes of those decisions
Outcomes of Comcare reviews - Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 - 2011-12 to 2017-18 and 2018-19 to 31 March 2019
2019/0004 21/02/2019 Statistics relating to Standard Business applications Statistics relating to Standard Business applications  
2018/0056 20/12/2018 Procedural guidelines and training material for members to use when drafting AAT decisions. Procedural guidelines and training material for members to use when drafting AAT decisions. Documents available upon request  at [email protected]
2018/0054 19/12/2018 Statistics on the number of RSMS/ENS Employer Nomination refusals and RSMS/EMS visa applications for the visa subclasses 187 and 186 that were filed in 40 different Queensland postcodes annually from 2012. Scope of the request was subsequently revised to:
  1. The number of RSMS/ENS Employer Nomination refusals where the applicant is based in Queensland.
  2. The number of RSMS/ENS visa applications for the visa subclasses 187 and 186 respectively, where the applicant is based in Queensland.
RSMS/ENS visa applications for the period 2012-2018 Part 1 refused under section 17(2) of the FOI Act. Part 2 released in full.
2018/0040 05/12/2018

The AAT’s statistical records of waiting times for Decisions and Reasons for the financial years 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2007-08 & 2006-07

Correspondence of AAT Senior Executive staff about the time taken for Reasons for Decisions to be handed down by the AAT for Comcare applications

AAT reviews of decisions made under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988: Mean weeks from last substantive hearing or receipt of submissions, to decision

Email correspondence dated from 19 January 2018 until 2 March 2018

Partial access provided

Documents available on request at

[email protected]
2017-18 88 26/07/2018 Documents relating to the accessibility of the AAT for participants with a disability.
  • General and Other Divisions – New Registry Procedural Manual – Chapter 1: General administration: 1.3 How to assist parties in dealing with the AAT;
  • General and Other Divisions – New Registry Procedural Manual – Chapter 2: Receiving, registering and checking an application: 2.2 Identifying an application for review;
  • General and Other Divisions – New Registry Procedural Manual – Chapter 8: Hearing related procedures – 8.4 The day of the hearing;
  • NDIS Disability Types for TRACS (a tribunal case management system);
  • AAT Guidelines for the Conduct of Hearings in the NDIS Division;
  • AAT Practice Direction – Review of National Disability Insurance Scheme Decisions;
  • AAT Accessibility Strategic Statement 2017-2020 enclosing AAT Strategic Plan 2015-2020;
  • AAT Website – ‘Accessibility’;
  • AAT Intranet – ‘Corporate – Accessibility’
  • AAT Service Charter;
  • Migration and Refugee Division: Guidelines on Vulnerable Persons;
  • Pre-hearing checklist for contact with unrepresented parties;
  • NDIS Principles.
  • General and Other Divisions – New Registry Procedural Manual – Chapter 3: Acknowledging receipt, listing T documents and outreach - 3.1 In this chapter; 3.2 Acknowledge receipt;
  • General and Other Divisions – New Registry Procedural Manual – Chapter 11: Managing applications in the National Disability Insurance Scheme Division.
Partial access was provided with some information removed under section 47E(d)
Two documents were refused under section 47C of the FOI Act.

Documents available on request at [email protected]
2018/0007 24/07/2018 Statistics on the review outcomes for unauthorized maritime arrivals by country from 2015 to present on 6 July 2018. Refugee UMA caseload outcomes by country of reference, 2015-16 to 2017-18 Full access
2017/18 72 03/05/2018 Access to the document titled '2016-17 appeals allowed.pdf' and/or any document containing the names of members who presided over the matters listed in '2016-17 appeals allowed.pdf' that also explains which member presided over which matter. Partial access was provided with information redacted under section 38 of the FOI Act.
2017/18 66 04/04/2018 Dates of AAT decisions that overturned bridging visa cancellations made under s116 of the Migration Act 1958 or the Code in the period from 27 April 2014 to 30 August 2016. Tribunal decisions made between 27 April 2014 and 30 August 2016, setting aside (S/A) DIBP decisions to cancel bridging visas Full access
2017/18 62 03/04/2018 Request for access to 14 AAT/Migration and Refugee Tribunal decisions to set aside bridging visa cancellations, where the bridging visa was cancelled under s 116(1)(g) of the Migration Act 1958 (Migration Act) and r 2.43(1)(p) of the Migration Regulations 1994 (Migration Regulations). 12 AAT/MRT-RRT decisions to set aside bridging visa cancellations, where the bridging visa was cancelled under s 116(1)(g) of the Migration Act 1958 and r 2.43(1)(p) of the Migration Regulations 1994. Partial access was provided with personal information redacted under section 46(b) and 47F of the FOI Act.
2 decision records were refused under section 46(b) of the FOI Act.

Documents available upon request at [email protected]
2017/18 55 19/03/2018 A copy of Refugee Review Tribunal, Country Advice – Pakistan, No. PAK40523, dated 25 June 2012 Refugee Review Tribunal, Country Advice – Pakistan, No. PAK40523, dated 25 June 2012 Partial access was provided with personal information redacted under section 47F of the FOI Act.
2017/18 48 15/02/2018 Part 1: Access to AAT procedures in relation to summons submitted by unrepresented and represented litigants;

Part 2: Any documents which would assist in understanding the origins of the policy, the legislation upon which the policy is based, and whether the procedure has been judicially tested.
Full access provided with the exception of irrelevant information deleted or redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act.

No documents were found in relation to part 2 of the request. Access was therefore refused under section 24A of the FOI Act.
2017/18 46 06/02/2018 All documents which contain information regarding which powers the Minister for Immigration has delegated to the Immigration Assessment Authority (IAA) and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) as well as the positions within the IAA and the AAT that have ability to exercise those powers. Instrument of Delegation 2015 Full access provided with the exception of some information which was deleted or redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act.
2017/18 42 22/01/2018 Access to all data, information or statistics for the past 6 months about the total number of NDIS applications which have been made to the AAT, the States in which the applications were lodged, and the proportion of applications that were lodged by a disability advocacy organisation. Applications to the AAT for review of decisions made under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 – 21 June 2017 to 21 December 2017 Full access
2017/18 38 6/12/2017 IAA Procedural Law Guide, chapters 1.5; 1.7; 1.8; 2; 3.2; 4 Full access provided with the exception of irrelevant information deleted under section 22 of the FOI Act.
2017/18 39 30/11/2017 Statistics on the number of cases lodged against Comcare in the AAT by year, for the last ten years Cases lodged against Comcare in the AAT for the last ten years Full access
2017/18 25 20/10/17 Average and median processing times for reviews of Subclass 187 refusals in the MRD, for the 2016/17 financial year. Average and median processing times for reviews of Subclass 187 refusals. Full access
2017/18 05 14/08/2017 Comments for the Australian Refugee Review Tribunal by C.A Thayer and RRT Research Response VNM31954 RRT Research Response VNM31954 Full access
2016/140 11/07/16 Copies of supporting materials, guidance or directions for Tribunal Members of the MRD, whether published or not, relevant to decisions to dismiss an application under s362B(1A)(b) of the Migration Act 1958, and to reinstate an application dismissed under s362B(1A)(b). Copies of any correspondence made internally or between AAT employees and government or judicial bodies regarding the above. Selections from Legislation Bulletin 02/2015 and Procedural Law Guide
Notification from MRT-RRT Principal Member to Members of the change to legislation

MRD Fact Sheet - Attending a hearing

MR20 Fact sheet – Information about dismissal of applications
2015/1 07/08/15 Audio recordings and documents relating to the Migration Review Tribunal (MRT) matters of 1403464 and 1217571 Documents relating to the Migration Review Tribunal (MRT) matter of 1403464  
2014/11 29/10/14 Documents relating to 2014/2804 - Re Dank and Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel Documents lodged with the AAT or generated by the AAT for the purposes of the case. Of the 17 documents within the scope of the request, 2 were transferred to another agency, 12 were released in full, and 3 were released with redactions on the basis of s 47F of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
  19/09/14 Application for review of a decision lodged with the AAT in 2013/1823 – Re Mineralogy Pty Ltd and Secretary, Department of Infrastructure and Transport Application for Review of Decision form lodged with the AAT Attachment to the application for review: email from the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to Mineralogy Pty Ltd  
2014/10 02/09/14 Copy of:
  • an email from Mr P Sweeney to the Assistant Treasurer dated 8 March 2014
  • correspondence from the Office of the Assistant Treasurer to Mr Sweeney dated 8 April 2014 responding to a Freedom of Information request
An email from Mr P Sweeney to the Assistant Treasurer dated 8 March 2014 (PDF, 208 KB)Correspondence from the Office of the Assistant Treasurer to Mr Sweeney dated 8 April 2014 responding to a Freedom of Information request (PDF, 1.14 MB)
2014/09 02/09/14 Copy of a Deed of Variation dated 26 August 1986 relating to a superannuation fund. Deed dated 26 August 1986 relating to the superannuation fund (PDF, 1.9 MB)  
2014/08 30/06/14 Copy of a Deed of Variation dated 20 November 1974 relating to “The Provident Fund”. Deed of Variation dated 20 November 1974 relating to “The Provident Fund” (PDF, 733 KB)  
2014/07 20/08/14 Application for review of a decision lodged with the AAT in 2013/1823 – Re Mineralogy Pty Ltd and Secretary, Department of Infrastructure and Transport Two documents attached to the application for review lodged with the AAT.
  • Notice of Declaration of Security Regulated Port – Port of Cape Preston made under the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 dated 31 January 2013
  • Port of Cape Preston Operating Requirements issued under the Shipping and Pilotage Act 1967 (WA) and the Shipping and Pilotage (Ports and Harbours) Regulations 1966 (WA)
2014/01 10/02/14 Copy of a consolidated Deed of Variation dated 6 May 1958 relating to “The Provident Fund”. Deed of Variation dated 6 May 1958 relating to "The Provident Fund" (PDF, 3.08 MB)