Introductory pages
Letter of transmittal, table of contents and the reader's guide.
(Pages i-vi.)
Chapter 1: The year in review
The President's overview and the Registrar's report. These two reports highlight significant events, issues and developments during the reporting year.
(Pages 1-10.)
Chapter 2: Overview of the Tribunal
Information about the Tribunal's role, functions and powers. It includes information about the Tribunal's members and staff, its organisational structure, case management process and the accessibility of the Tribunal.
(Pages 11-20.)
Chapter 3: Workload and performance
Information and commentary on the Tribunal’s workload and performance.
(Pages 21-34.)
Chapter 4: Our users and our partners
Information on the achievement of the goals set out in the Tribunal's Organisational Plan in relation to its users and partners. It includes information on the initiatives undertaken during the reporting year to improve the Tribunal's practices and procedures and to better meet the needs of users. This chapter also provides information on the Tribunal's relationships with other organisations and the various activities undertaken during 2006-07 to increase awareness and understanding of the Tribunal and its role.
(Pages 35-42.)
Chapter 5: Our people and our organisation
Information on the achievement of the goals set out in the Tribunal's Organisational Plan in relation to its people and the organisation. It also contains a range of other information relating to human resource management within the Tribunal and the administration of the Tribunal generally.
(Pages 43-54.)
Financial Statements
The audited financial statements of the Tribunal and accompanying notes.
(Pages 55-90.)
Appendix 1: Members of the Tribunal
A list of Tribunal members as at 30 June 2007 and member profiles.
(Pages 92-115.)
Appendix 2: Staff of the Tribunal
Summary information about staff of the Tribunal.
(Pages 116-117.)
Appendix 3: Statistics for the year ending 30 June 2007
Statistics about the Tribunal's workload during 2006-07.
(Pages 118-128.)
Appendix 4: Tribunal application fees
Information in relation to application fees that are payable in relation to applications for review.
(Pages 129-130.)
Appendix 5: Changes to jurisdiction
The laws - the Acts and legislative instruments (collectively referred to as 'enactments') - that altered the Tribunal's jurisdiction in the period 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007.
(Pages 131-134.)
Appendix 6: Decisions of interest
Summaries of Tribunal decisions provide an idea of the types of issues raised in the Tribunal's major jurisdictions and highlight some of the more important or interesting decisions delivered during the reporting year.
(Pages 135-149.)
Appendix 7: Freedom of information
This statement is made for the purposes of section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and is correct as at 30 June 2007.
(Pages 150-151.)
Appendix 8: Speeches, papers and other activities
Speeches and papers given by Tribunal members and staff during 2006-07.
(Pages 152-153.)
Appendix 9: Commonwealth Disability Strategy - the Tribunal's performance in employer role
A table of performance indicators and measures for the reporting period.
(Pages 154-155.)
Appendix 10: Consultancies and other reporting requirements
Detailed information of certain consultancies let during the reporting year and information on a range of other matters.
(Pages 156-158.)
Endmatter and Indexes
Glossary, contacting the Tribunal, compliance index and alphabetical index.
(Pages 159-174.)