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What information can I give to support my case?

You can give us information to consider when we make the decision. You should give us this as soon as you can.

You must also give us any information, documents or comments that we ask for by the date we tell you.

Check the Migration and Refugee Matters Practice Direction for more details about giving us information including timeframes.

How can I give my information?


You can send us information about your case online.

  • If you lodged your application online, and you have registered an Online Services account, you can use that account to send us documents; or
  • if you did not lodge the application online, or did not lodge the application online as a registered user, you can still give us information online without an account. 

Further information on using our online services portal is available on our website.

Other ways to give us information

  • email - please read the email guidelines
  • post or fax
  • in person at an AAT office.

Check our contact details to find out where and how to give your information to us.

Helpful hints about giving us information

  • send information electronically if possible. This means you do not need to send a copy by post, unless we ask you to give us certified copies of documents such as a birth certificate
  • if you come into one of our registries to give us information, please give us a hard copy to keep
  • if documents are not in English, you should also give us a translation by an accredited translator.

How will we use the information you give us?

  • the Member might use it to make a decision
  • it might be given to other individuals or organisations when we seek an expert opinion or assessment
  • it might become public during a hearing that is held in public or when a decision is published
  • it will usually be given to the Department of Home Affairs and in certain circumstances we might also give your information to other government organisations.

Find out more about Privacy at the AAT and Access to information in AAT cases.

Domestic/family violence

In some cases, we might seek an opinion from an independent expert on whether or not an alleged victim has suffered relevant domestic/family violence.

The independent expert’s finding must be taken as correct by us and will be based on evidence we provide and any other evidence the expert obtains, including interviewing the alleged victim.

We will notify you in writing if a claim of domestic/family violence is referred to an independent expert.