The AAT Bulletin is a publication containing a list of recent AAT decisions and information relating to appeals against AAT decisions. The Bulletin occasionally includes information on legislative changes that affect the AAT and other important developments. Subscribe to be sent an alert when the latest issue is available.

Please use the links below to access AAT Bulletins from 2012 to 2022 inclusive. 


Issue No. 14/2024, 15 July 2024 PDF RTF
Issue No. 13/2024, 2 July 2024 PDF RTF
Issue No. 12/2024, 17 June 2024 PDF DOCX
Issue No. 11/2024, 2 June 2024 PDF RTF
Issue No. 10/2024, 20 May 2024 PDF RTF
Issue No. 09/2024, 6 May 2024 PDF RTF
Issue No. 08/2024, 22 April 2024 PDF RTF
Issue No. 07/2024, 8 April 2024 PDF DOCX
Issue No. 06/2024, 25 March 2024 PDF RTF
Issue No. 05/2024, 11 March 2024 PDF DOCX
Issue No. 04/2024, 26 February 2024 PDF DOCX
Issue No. 03/2024, 12 February 2024 PDF DOCX
Issue No. 02/2024, 29 January 2024 PDF DOCX
Issue No. 01/2024, 15 January 2024 PDF RTF


Disclaimer: The AAT does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any material contained in this Bulletin or on any linked site. While the AAT makes every effort to ensure that the material in the Bulletin is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own independent skill and judgement before you rely on it. Information contained in this Bulletin is not legal advice and is intended as a general guide only. You should rely on your own advice or refer to the full cases and legislation in relation to any proceedings.