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Information videos

A range of information videos are available to assist people to understand the AAT’s role and processes. 

Accessible information about the AAT

The Accessible information about the AAT video assists people to understand what we do at the AAT.

The video features a presenter speaking directly to the camera with an Auslan interpreter.

Information videos about the AAT

Six information videos are available to help people become familiar with our role and the most important aspects of the AAT’s processes:

The videos are available in the following languages:

You can watch the videos in English by clicking on the title.

If the captions are interfering with the text in the video, you can switch them on or off by clicking on the subtitles/cc icon, or customise the captions by clicking on the settings icon on the video control panel.

About the AAT

Applying for a review

After an application is lodged

Attending a conference

Attending a hearing
