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Cover 2004-2005 Annual ReportThe purpose of this Annual Report is to inform the Attorney-General, the Parliament, Tribunal users and the general public about the performance of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (the AAT) during the period 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005. The 2004-2005 Annual Report can be downloaded as one file or in parts.

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Complete report

(Pages i-v, 1-174)

Introductory pages

Includes the letter of transmittal, table of contents and the reader's guide.
(Pages i-v.)

Chapter 1: The year in review

The President's overview, Registrar's report and Organisational plan and statement of achievements. These two reports highlight significant issues relating to the Tribunal's performance during the reporting year, which are discussed in more detail throughout the report.
(Pages 1-10.)

Chapter 2: Overview of the Tribunal

Basic information about the Tribunal, including its role, functions and powers, organisational structure, people, dispute resolution process and accessibility.
(Pages 11-20.)

Chapter 3: Workload and performance

Information and commentary on the Tribunal's workload and performance results. This chapter includes information on financial performance, performance against internal time standards, complaints and external scrutiny.
(Pages 21-32.)

Chapter 4: Our users and our partners

Information on initiatives to improve the Tribunal's practices and procedures, access to the Tribunal and the Tribunal's liaison with its users. It also describes the Tribunal's contact and relationships with other external bodies in relation to issues concerning the Tribunal and its operations.
(Pages 33-42.)

Chapter 5: Our people and our organisation

Information on human resource management within the Tribunal and the administration of the Tribunal generally.
(Pages 43-56.)

Financial Statements

The audited financial statements of the Tribunal and accompanying notes.
(Pages 57-100.)

Appendix 1: Members of the Tribunal

Contains a list of Tribunal members as at 30 June 2005 and member profiles.
(Pages 101-123.)

Appendix 2: Staff of the Tribunal

Tables setting out the numbers and classification of Tribunal staff, as well as equal employment statistics.
(Pages 124-125.

Appendix 3: Statistics for the year ending 30 June 2005

Statistics about the Tribunal's workload in 2004-05.
(Pages 126-138.)

Appendix 4: Tribunal application fees

Information about Tribunal application fees including when a fee is not payable.
(Page 139.)

Appendix 5: Changes to jurisdiction

The enactments that altered the Tribunal's jurisdiction in the period 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005.
(Pages 140-142.)

Appendix 6: Decisions of interest

Summaries of Tribunal decisions in the Tribunal's major jurisdictions.
(Pages 143-154.)

Appendix 7: Freedom of information

Includes a statement about the categories of documents the Tribunal possess and how people can gain access to information held by the Tribunal.
(Pages 155-156.)

Appendix 8: Commonwealth Disability Strategy - the Tribunal's performance in employer role

A table of performance indicators and measures for the reporting period.
(Pages 157-158.)

Appendix 9: Consultancies

Tables of consultancies used in 2004-05 and in the three most recent years where gross value exceeded $10,000 (inc. GST).
(Pages 159-160.)

Endmatter and Indexes

Glossary, contacting the Tribunal, compliance index and alphabetical index.
(Pages 161-174.)