What we can review
A first review is the first time we review a Centrelink decision. We can only review a decision if it has been reviewed by a Centrelink Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME).
We can review most Centrelink decisions about:
- social security pensions, benefits and allowances
- concession and health care cards
- family assistance payments
- farm household support
- Paid Parental Leave
- student assistance payments, including ABSTUDY.
The decisions we can review include:
- rejection of a claim
- suspension or cancellation of a payment
- the rate of a payment
- raising and recovering a debt.
The Centrelink decision letter will tell you if we can review the decision.
What we cannot do
- review a decision that has not been reviewed by a Centrelink ARO or SME.
- investigate a complaint about Centrelink
- consider a claim for compensation for detriment experienced as a result of defective actions or inaction (CDDA scheme)
- change the law.