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Searching for a case

To search for a case, you must either have:

  • the AAT file number, or
  • the name of a party (other than the name of the department or other organisation whose decision is under review).

General searches are not currently possible, including searches for all cases:

  • of a particular type
  • lodged in a particular registry
  • lodged between particular dates
  • listed between particular dates
  • related to a particular department or other decision-maker.

To search by file number

If you know the AAT file number, enter the file number in the field: AAT File Number.

AAT file numbers generally have the format: year/four digit number, for example 2012/1234.

If you know the file number, completing the other fields is optional.

To search by party name

Type the name of the party in the field: Surname/Organisation Name.

For this field, the party is the individual or organisation seeking review of the decision, not the government department or other person or organisation that made the decision being reviewed.

eCase Search automatically searches for a partial match on the beginning of the Surname/Organisation Name field. For example, if you search 'Smith' you will receive matches for anything that starts with Smith such as Smith, Smithers or Smith and Sons.

If you know a party name, completing the other fields is optional.

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Improving search results

The search results screen displays up to 25 records, ordered by date of lodgement with the most recently lodged case first. Should your search return more than 25 records, you will be directed to refine your search further.

To narrow or widen search results, use your browser's Back button to return to the eCase Search screen containing your original parameters so you can change them.

You can narrow your search by entering data in one or more other fields.

For example, to refine your search by lodgement date or listing date, enter a range of dates in the From and To fields. Enter the dates in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

To start a new search, select 'Start a New Search'.

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Viewing the case details

When you have found the case you are looking for, click on the 'View case details' link at the top right hand corner of the case summary box.

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Questions and feedback

Information on the applications and kinds of information available on eCase Search is on the About eCase Search page.

If you believe that information on eCase Search is incorrect, email [email protected].