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AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board
AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal
ADR Alternative dispute resolution
Affirm If the Tribunal affirms a decision under review, the original decision stands (is unchanged).
Alternative dispute resolution A process for resolving a dispute, other than at a hearing. The AAT employs five processes: conference, conciliation, mediation, case appraisal and neutral evaluation.
Applicant The person, organisation, department or agency that has lodged an application with the AAT.
Application for extension of time An application for review of a decision must be lodged with the AAT within a certain time limit. However, an application may be made to extend the time for lodging an application.
APRA Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
APS Australian Public Service
ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission
ASIO Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
AVS Australian Valuation Solutions
CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Case appraisal An alternative dispute resolution process conducted by an AAT member or other person, chosen on the basis of their knowledge of the subject matter, who assists the parties to resolve the dispute by providing a non-binding opinion on the facts in dispute and likely outcomes.
COAT Council of Australasian Tribunals
Conciliation An alternative dispute resolution process in which an AAT member or Conference Registrar assists the parties to identify the issues in dispute and endeavour to reach an agreement. The conciliator has no determinative role but may advise on or determine the conciliation process, make suggestions on terms of settlement and actively encourage the parties to reach an agreement.
Conference A meeting conducted by an AAT member or Conference Registrar with the parties and/or their representatives. Conferences provide an opportunity to discuss and define the issues in dispute, identify further evidence that may be gathered, explore whether the matter can be settled and discuss the future conduct of the matter.
Confidentiality order The Tribunal may make an order directing that a hearing or part of a hearing be held in private. The Tribunal may also give directions prohibiting or restricting the publication or other disclosure of information tending to reveal the identity of a party or witness, evidence given before the Tribunal or matters contained in documents lodged with the AAT.
CSS Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme
Directions hearing A hearing to deal with procedural matters such as the exchange of statements or documents, to clarify issues relating to the conduct of a hearing or to progress a matter in which there has been delay by a party. Directions hearings are conducted by AAT members.
Dismissal of application The Tribunal may, in certain circumstances, dismiss an application without proceeding to review the decision. An application may be dismissed, for example, at the request of the parties, if the applicant fails to appear at an ADR process, directions hearing or hearing, or if the Tribunal is satisfied that the application is frivolous or vexatious.
GST Goods and Services Tax
Hearing The occasion at which the parties may present to the Tribunal evidence and submissions in relation to the decision under review. Parties may call witnesses to give evidence. A hearing is conducted by one, two or three members.
IASAJ International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions
Interlocutory application Any application made by a party that relates to an application for review of a decision, including an application for an extension of time to lodge an application, to stay the operation of the decision under review or for a confidentiality order.
Mediation An alternative dispute resolution process during which an AAT member or Conference Registrar assists the parties to identify the issues in dispute, develop options, consider alternatives and endeavour to reach an agreement. The mediator has no advisory or determinative role in relation to the content of the dispute but may advise on or determine the mediation process.
MRT Migration Review Tribunal
NAATI National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters
NDIA National Disability Insurance Agency
NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme
Neutral evaluation An alternative dispute resolution process in which an AAT member or other person, chosen on the basis of their knowledge of the subject matter, assists the parties to resolve the dispute by evaluating the facts and law at issue in the dispute and providing a non-binding opinion on the likely outcomes.
NOOT Negotiating Outcomes on Time competition held by the AAT for university law students.
OPA Official Public Account
Outreach An AAT program that provides self-represented parties with information about AAT practices and procedures and other assistance in the review process.
Party A participant in the proceedings before the AAT. A party can be the person who makes the application, the decision-maker or other respondent to the application and any other person joined to the proceedings.
Party joined A person, department or agency whose interests are affected by a decision under review may be made a party to the proceeding by order of the Tribunal. This person, department, or agency is a party joined.
PBS Portfolio Budget Statements which are prepared to explain the Budget appropriations for agencies within a portfolio in terms of outcomes and programs.
PSPF Protective Security Policy Framework
PSS Public Sector Superannuation Scheme
PSSap Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan
RRT Refugee Review Tribunal
Remit The Tribunal may set aside a decision and remit it (send it back) to the original decision-maker to be reconsidered in accordance with any directions or recommendations of the Tribunal.
Respondent The party who responds to or answers an application; usually the department, agency or organisation that made the original decision.
Section 37 Documents The statement and documents that a decision-maker must provide to the AAT and the other party under section 37 of Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975. They are generally known as the ‘T Documents' and include the reasons for the decision under review and all other relevant documents.
Set aside The Tribunal may set aside a decision under review. The effect is that the Tribunal disagrees with the original decision and may make a new decision or remit the matter (send it back) to the original decision-maker.
SSAT Social Security Appeals Tribunal
Stay order An order of the AAT to suspend the operation or implementation of the decision under review until the matter is determined or resolved.
Summons A notice issued by the AAT calling a person to appear before it to give evidence or to produce documents to it.
STCT Small Taxation Claims Tribunal
TRACS The AAT's electronic case management system.
Vary The Tribunal may vary a decision under review. This means that the Tribunal changes or alters the original decision.
VRB Veterans' Review Board

List of requirements

Letter of transmittal iii
Table of contents iv
Index 191
Glossary 184
Contact officer(s) ii
Internet home page address and Internet address for report ii
Review by Agency Head  
Review by the President 2
Review by the Registrar 6
Summary of significant issues and developments* 2–9
Overview of performance and financial results* 2–7
Outlook for the following year* 2–7
Significant issues and developments – portfolio* Not applicable
Agency Overview  
Role and functions 12
Organisational structure 13–15, 128
Outcome and programme structure 25
Where outcome and programme structures differ from Portfolio Budget Statements/Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements or other portfolio statements accompanying any other additional appropriation bills (other portfolio statements), details of variation and reasons for change Not applicable
Portfolio structure Not applicable
Report on Performance  
Review of performance during the year in relation to programmes and contribution to outcomes 20–28
Actual performance in relation to deliverables and KPIs set out in Portfolio Budget Statements/Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements or other portfolio statements 25–26
Where performance targets differ from the Portfolio Budget Statements/Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements, details of both former and new targets, and reasons for the change Not applicable
Narrative discussion and analysis of performance 20–28
Trend information 20–28
Significant changes in nature of principal functions/services* Not applicable
Performance of purchaser/provider arrangements Not applicable
Factors, events or trends influencing agency performance* 20–28
Contribution of risk management in achieving objectives* 52–53
Performance against service charter customer service standards, complaints data, and the agency's response to complaints 30–33
Discussion and analysis of the agency's financial performance 51
Discussion of any significant changes in financial results from the prior year, from budget or anticipated to have a significant impact on future operations Not applicable
Agency resource statement and summary resource tables by outcomes 158–159
Management and Accountability  
Corporate Governance  
Agency heads are required to certify their agency's actions in dealing with fraud 53
Statement of the main corporate governance practices in place 13–15, 50–53
Names of the senior executive and their responsibilities* 13, 14, 50, 128
Senior management committees and their roles* 51
Corporate and operational plans and associated performance reporting and review* 7, 51
Internal audit arrangements including approach adopted to identifying areas of significant financial or operational risk and arrangements to manage those risks* 52–53
Policy and practices on the establishment and maintenance of appropriate ethical standards* 54
How nature and amount of remuneration for Senior Executive Service officers is determined* 56–57
External Scrutiny  
Significant developments in external scrutiny Not applicable
Judicial decisions and decisions of administrative tribunals and by the Australian Information Commissioner 29–30
Reports by the Auditor-General, a Parliamentary Committee, the Commonwealth Ombudsman or an agency capability review 30
Management of Human Resources  
Assessment of effectiveness in managing and developing human resources to achieve agency objectives 55–61
Workforce planning, staff turnover and retention* 56
Impact and features of enterprise or collective agreements, individual flexibility arrangements (IFAs), determinations, common law contracts and Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs)* 56–57
Training and development undertaken and its impact* 58–59
Work health and safety performance* 59–60
Productivity gains* 61
Statistics on staffing 55–56, 126–127
Statistics on employees who identify as Indigenous 61, 126
Enterprise or collective agreements, IFAs, determinations, common law contracts and AWAs 56
Performance pay 57
Assets Management  
Assessment of effectiveness of assets management Not applicable
Assessment of purchasing against core policies and principles 51–52
The annual report must include a summary statement detailing the number of new consultancy services contracts let during the year; the total actual expenditure on all new consultancy contracts let during the year (inclusive of GST); the number of ongoing consultancy contracts that were active in the reporting year; and the total actual expenditure in the reporting year on the ongoing consultancy contracts (inclusive of GST). The annual report must include a statement noting that information on contracts and consultancies is available through the AusTender website. 52
Australian National Audit Office Access Clauses  
Absence of provisions in contracts allowing access by the Auditor-General 52
Exempt Contracts  
Contracts exempted from publication in AusTender 52
Small Business  
Procurement initiatives to support small business 52
Financial Statements 66–118
Other Mandatory Information  
Work health and safety (Schedule 2, Part 4 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011) 59–60
Advertising and Market Research (Section 311A of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918) and statement on advertising campaigns 180
Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance (Section 516A of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) 180–181
Compliance with the agency's obligations under the Carer Recognition Act 2010 Not applicable
Grant programmes 181
Disability reporting – explicit and transparent reference to agency level information available through other reporting mechanisms 180
Information Publication Scheme statement 30
Correction of material errors in previous annual report 151, 154, 155, 156, 157
Agency Resource Statements and Resources for Outcomes 158–159
List of Requirements 187

* Items marked with an asterisk are suggested rather than mandatory items for inclusion in the annual report.